The Ley Line
Group visited the megalithic monuments
D7, D8 and D9 in
Drenthe, Netherlands
The Ley Line Group visited the
megalithic monuments D7, D8 en D9
South of Anloo in Drenthe Netherlands.
The Ley Line Group has visited three megalithic
monuments near Anloo in Drenthe.
The megalithic monuments D7, D8 and D9 are located
upon one straight line,
which was the
main reason to choose those monuments for our research.
Monument D7
Monument D7 makes a very closed impression, when we
are standing around the hunebed.
It seems to
everybody that this monument is somehow the input place for energies and
Robert is making pictures with and without the
Oldfield energy filter.
Suddenly the
inside of the monument starts to emanate a deep blue light.
Mind you: it is
a dark and dreary day without sunshine
. A cold wind coming from the North West. Drizzling
The digital
pictures show clearly energies in the dark inside of the monument,
just below the
horizontal roof stones.
There can't be a so-called blue shift, because only
part of the picture has a blue light.
This megalthic monument D7 has a very strong energy,
with energy lines
going in several directions.
This monument is almost untouched and in good shape.
Here seen from the West.
The impression of the ley line group is,
that this monument D7 is partly below the surface of
the earth.
There is still an entrance visible and the holy circle
of stones around the monument
is partly even there!
The megalithic monument D7 seen from the East.
The monument D7 is of a energetic content.
We are investigating and measuring on a dark and rainy
day in heavy woods.
Near this monument we did not feel coldness.
Agaqin this monument was untouched for a long time.
Two ladies of the group are leaning against the
ancient stones
to have contact with the energies of the stones.
Using the Oldfield filter to see hidden energies we
see energies of the surroundings,
but also of the stones itself.
This is monument D7 on a dark day in the rain, in a
dark forest.
In the rain energies are more visible then in the
In the mean time the ladies had walked ahead and
changed the energy at the D8 monument.
The energy at
the D7 monument is a like relay station.
The energy is
given through.
While D7 makes
the impression of an end of the line energy pump,
the D8 monument
is a switch relaying the energies to other places.
The energizing of the monument D7 started here,
at the holy circle stones of D7.
Below the hands there is clearly an energy emerging
from the circle stone.
The energy stays and is clearly visible.
While the group goes on towards D8 following the
a few members stay behing with the monument for
and for asking forgivenis for the disturbance of the peace
of thousands of years.
Prof Marijah Gimbutas dates the monuments on 3200BC.
The Group walks along the straight ley line from D7 to
Robert was
staying behind to measure the energies and
the contact
with the emanations of spirits.
Also making digital pictures with the Oldfield filter
to see the earth energies.
The position of the three monuments is a few
kilometers South of Anloo.
The forests around two of the three monuments
have been closed for the public for many years and
that is why the Ley Line Group is able to research an
almost undisturbed situation.
On the leyline from D7 towards D8 are gravehills
grouped along this ancient line.
The group arrives at D8.
An open energy, very female.
The group askes to have contact and approach.
The energy of D8 is very female and refreshing.
The chamber is inviting and the entrace is very
The chamber of D8 is very large, larger then the
outside seems to be.
Irmala and Iris have visited a German megalithic
archeological place.
They concluded
that a hunebed or Long Grave or Stone Chamber is
surrounded by several Goddess symbols, so called Queen
Points or Goddess Stones.
In Germany a Goddess stone has been unearthed with an
image of moon and stars upon the stone.
It has already
been for years the experience of the Ley Line Group
that those Goddess Stones are also to be found around
the Hunebedden
megalithic monuments in the Netherlands.
This is what we will research on this excursion.
Monument D8 and the switching on the
The chamber of D8 looks inviting and of an open enrgy.
The ladies came upon the genial idea to stand
on the four Queen Points around the hunebed.
First the Queen points are to be found with the aid of
the pendulum, the Lecher antenna and intuition.
Then the ladies
were standing on the four Queen points facing the same way.
Then they turn simultaneously
a quarter turn of 90 degrees each of them
standing on one of the Queen Goddess points around D8.
This switched
on the energy inside the megalithic monuments!
This is a rainy day in the dark forests.
No direct sunlight but shadow and dark clouds.
Then in D8 there is a blue light, here to be seen with
the Oldfield filter.
Energizing the Queen points of D8.
Blue light shines in the relative darkness of the dreary
D8 is coming back to life!
The chamber of D8 coloring blue.
There is no discoloring on the other pictures of
almost the same moment.
Here is D8 not energized. The group feels very
There is also a sound inside D8.
Monument D8 is vibrating with energy both of a sound
and of light.
The sound is a
deep low bass.
This sound makes
the impression as if this sound has started still has to be tuned somehow.
A basic tone of
the instrument.
The light is
vibrating and blue.
Monument D8 is
on an open space in the forest and
the day is
dark, dreary, clouded without sunshine.
The energies are very visible.
The sound is deep and almost below conscious level.
To gives thanks to the fearies and forces of nature
the group
has a meditation around a group of very energetic and
tree, like we also did in Heeze and other places.
Meditating near D8 but more to the South and outside
the forest to give thanks
to fearies and forces of nature.
Monument D9 is half destroyed.
Very happy with this result the Group goes on to
monument D9 in the village of Annen.
The megalithic
monument D9 is half destroyed and
is situated
along a street in between some private houses.
The Ley Line is
going straight from D7 and D8 to this D9,
but the
monument D9 is to damaged to give any measurable result.
We are able to establish the presence of Goddess
next to the remnants of monument D9.
Perhaps further research will be possible.
There should be a foundation be established to protect
the megalithic monuments.
With concrete fillings the places have been indicated
where the stones of D9 should have been standing.
Still there are energies measurable.
We have to come back to this place unbiassed and open
This remnant of D9 made the group very sad
after the interesting results of D7 and D9.
There is no respect for megalithic
monuments in the Netherlands.
Like we wrote in other pages on the
megalithic monuments
in the
Netherlands have no respect of the government and of the public.
The 53
monuments still in existence are all disturbed.
Another 25
megalithic monuments have been destroyed.
monuments are surrounded by suburbs without any space around the monuments.
Kids are
climbing upon the monuments as if the monuments are part of a kindergarten.
Teenagers are
burning fires inside the monuments so that the stones explode,
such as
happened recently in Emmen.
The same for the undisturbed situation of these
we are visiting today:shortly after our research all
the forests
surrounding the monuments D7 and D8 have been cut
There should come into existence a
Foundation for the Protection of
Megalithic Places.
A nice pizza to end the day.
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July 18, 2012
on this website:
by Robert and Susan